Transformation is not something we do to our clients. Rather, it is a shared journey - a challenging and ambitious venture with a mutual goal: dramatic improvements in financial and operating performance

Showing posts with label hostplus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hostplus. Show all posts

Pola Perilaku Pelayanan

Salah satu ciri bisnis restoran ialah dalam operasionalnya terjadi kontak langsung antara karyawan dengan tamu. Kontak langsung ini merupakan moment of truth dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan tamu. Ini berarti perilaku karyawan memegang peranan penting terhadap upaya memberikan kepuasan kepada tamu. Menurut Fagel, periode 5 menit pertama saat tamu mengunjungi restoran merupakan saat krusial dilihat dari aspek perilaku karyawan ini. Justifikasi tamu selanjutnya akan diberikan kepada aspek fisik, suasana dan proses pelayanan itu sendiri.

Demikian pentingnya faktor ini dalam bisnis restoran, sehingga orang tidak dapat lagi hanya mengandalkan produk fisiknya semata, melainkan harus pula menggunakan aspek pelayanan sebagai alat bersaing yang dapat diandalkan.

Mengenal Kultur Kulineri Konsumen

Produk makanan dan minuman yang ditawarkan kepada konsumen menentukan cepat atau lambatnya pengembalian investasi. Pengelola bisnis restoran harus memiliki kepekaan terhadap keinginan konsumen. Perencanaan menu yang kurang tepat akan berakibat berkurangnya konsumen yang datang, yang berarti akan berpengaruh terhadap hasil penjualan yang diperlukan untuk menutup biaya ataupun mengembalikan investasi. Untuk itu seorang pengelola perlu memiliki wawasan yang memadai mengenai produk makanan dan atau minuman yang dijual, termasuk kultur masyarakat konsumen.

Sales Projections

Paling tidak, terdapat 9 faktor yang memberi pengaruh terhadap proyeksi sales yang kita buat, yaitu:
  • Trade-Off Days. Adalah hari tersibuk di restoran, biasanya jatuh pada Jum'at dan Sabtu. Pada dua hari tersebut dapat menghasilkan lebih dari 30% dari sales. Karenanya jika terdapat perbedaan jumlah trade-off days pada bulan yang kita proyeksikan dibanding bulan sama di tahun lalu, kita perlu mempertimbangkannya.
  • Promotions. Tentukan seberapa besar pengaruh promosi yang direncanakan terhadap sales, lihat pengaruh promosi yang sama sebelumnya.
  • Store Trends. Perhatikan sales yang didapat akhir-akhir ini, cenderung naik atau turun. Bandingkan denganfluktuasi market, dan adakah rencana kerja yang dibuat akan efektif mengubah kecenderungan yang negatif.
  • Major Investments. Adakah rencana remodel atau rekonstruksi, dan apakah akan berpengaruh pada proyeksi sales.
  • New Competition. Adakah produk baru yang berhubungan dengan kompetitor baru. Adakah reinvestasi atau launching produk baru dari kompetitor.
  • New Products. Adakah produk baru yang kita rencanakan, seberapa besar berpengaruh pada proyeksi sales.
  • Local Construction Activities. Adakah sedang berlangsung perbaikan atau pembangunan konstruksi jalan, jembatan, bangunan baru, shopping centre dan rumah tinggal di tading area kita. Apakah kita mentargetkan adanya traffic generator baru selepas kontruksi selesai.
  • Weather. Bagaimana trend cuaca, dan seberapa kira-kira pengaruhnya.
  • Operations. Adakah kualitas produk, mutu pelayanan, dan tingkat kebersihan restoran kita meningkat. Seberapa besar pengaruhnya pada perkiraan sales.

Awali dari Menu

Dalam perkembangan bisnis restaurant, produk makanan dan minuman yang diwujudkan dalam menu memegang peran strategis dalam kegiatan operational. Tidak berlebihan kalau ada yang berpendapat everythings in food service operation start from the menu, segala sesuatu dalam kegiatan operational restaurant berawal dari menu.

Pengadaan peralatan masak serta pangaturan tata letak dapur ditentukan berdasarkan menu yang dijual. Demikian pula keperluan karyawan sebagai juru masak, pengadaan bahan, sitem pelayanan termasuk return on investment ( ROI ), diperhitungan berdasarkan menu yang di jual.

Satisfying Customers Overview

Total customer satisfaction is the results of giving customers product quality, service, cleanliness, value, and responding fast to recover customers when something goes wrong.

No matter how hard you try to satisfy your customers, mistakes will happen. What you do about mistakes can make the difference between keeping customers or losing them to competitors. Speed of response is vital. That's why every retaurant management team should have a customer recovery system that ensure a quick, courteous response. After the customer's needs are taken care of, find out what caused the dissatisfaction, then fix the problem you've identified, and adopt the solution into your routine.

Satisfying customers the first time, and quickly recovering them whwn you don't, ensures total customer satisfaction, which generates brand loyalty and increased sales.

Overview of profitability

The ultimate measure of success for any business is its ability to make a profit. Each day money enters the business in the form of sales and leaves the business in the form of expenses. The expensess are the costs of operating or growing your business. If sales are greater than expenses, the business is profitable. If expenses are greater than sales, the business is not profitable.

Opportunities for profitability exist in all areas of your restaurant, whether you are handling cash or positioniong your crew members. This chapter describes the policies and procedures as well as measures you can take to optimize your profits in three major areas:
  • Administrative tasks
  • On-the-floor operations
  • Finacial statements

Detailed procedures and guidelines give you the information you need to fine-tune your operation and identify areas that require immediate attention. In addition, you'll learn how to gather and review information from previous days and weeks that can help you develop strategies for improving future operations and profit.

Helpful suggestions throughout the chapter focus primarily on ways to manage your food and labor costs - the largest expenses in your restaurant. However, you'll also find many other ideas on decreasing costs and improving profits in virtually all areas of your restaurant's operations.

Host Plus Commitment

At Host+ you will find we grow with our clients, not at their expense. We do not believe in management fads, or one-off programs which do not deliver long term benefits. We see change as an ongoing process, an integral part of your organisation. It is a philosophy of building on what has gone before, never satisfied with what exist today, striving for what the future holds.

Our commitment is to develop a partnership with you to achieve long-lasting results in areas of strategic importance for your organisation, at a scale and pace you otherwise could not achieve alone.

To give you the edge to differentiate your product, processes or market.

Our Partnership with You

You demand solid results and your satisfaction is based on those results being achieved.

We understand there is a high level of dissatisfaction in the deliverables of operation and training consultants, when implemented, hasn't shown itself to be an effective long term solution.

At host+, you will find we have addressed this issue by having consultants capable of identifying the issues, developing a solution and ensuring that the solutions proposed are worked through to deliver bottom line results of you.

Your needs are analysed and your expectations explored and articulated. Each client project is designed not only to produce some tangible, quantifiable results it also expands the capability of client to tackle increasingly ambitious projects with growing competence.

Our role is not over until you realise the desired business results.

our role is not over until you realize the desired business results