Transformation is not something we do to our clients. Rather, it is a shared journey - a challenging and ambitious venture with a mutual goal: dramatic improvements in financial and operating performance

Showing posts with label Product Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Development. Show all posts

Strategi Pemasaran Restoran

Identifikasi pangsa pasar dan kebutuhannya merupakan langkah awal dalam menyusun strategi pemasaran. Berikutnya menyusun rencana kegiatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut serta kemudian merealisasikan rencana tersebut dengan mengerahkan segenap faktor yang berada dalam jangkauan pengelola. Faktor- faktor yang dikenal dengan formula 4P's, yaitu Products, Promotion, Place, dan Price.

Salah satu cara yang cukup strategis untuk mengidentifikasi pangsa pasar sasaran diantaranya dengan melakukan riset terhadap kebutuhan, keinginan, dan harapan calon pelanggan potensial. Analisis trading area yang meliputi variabel geografis, demografis, psikografis, dan behavioral, akan dapat memberikan gambaran peluang dan hambatan bagi rujukan strategi yang akan dilakukan.

Products. Tidak hanya makanan, melainkan termasuk di dalamnya suasana lingkungan restoran yang meliputi kenyamanan, keindahan, kebersihan, dan kesehatan serta pelayanan yang diberikan.
Promotion. Di samping advertensi dan teknik penjualan, juga termasuk kreasi dalam menciptakan image dan identitas perusahaan, juga elemen-elemen pengembangan produk.

4 Cara Meningkatkan Sales Restoran

Setiap upaya meningkatkan sales - promosi, iklan, penawaran -  akan mendorong dan berpengaruh pada empat kategori berikut:

Pelanggan Baru / New Trial
Kunjungan pertama kali pelanggan baru merupakan saat yang paling menentukan. Mereka akan menangkap kesan, membangun image dan pendapat mengenai restoran anda selama kunjungan berlangsung. Sejak saat itu pula mereka akan memberikan penilaian seberapa besar mereka terkesan dengan restoran anda serta mempertimbangkan untuk berhubungan atau berkunjung di masa yang akan datang. Kategori ini menjadi cara termahal dibanding kategori lainnya karena ia perlu dipersiapkan dan diorganisasikan dengan matang. Kualitas produk, sistem pelayanan, kebersihan, visibilitas , dan aksesibilitas, haruslah senantiasa dijaga agar impresif dimata pelanggan. Setelah pelanggan dibentuk, selanjutnya upaya difokuskan pada kategori-kategori berikutnya.

Frekuensi Kunjungan
Upaya  agar pelanggan yang telah ada mau kembali ke restoran anda untuk kunjungan selanjutnya dilakukan

Benefits of Standardized Recipes

Consistent food quality

The use of standardized recipes ensures that menu items will be consistent in quality each time they are prepared and served.

Predictable yield

The planned number of servings will be produced by using standardized recipes. This can help to reduce the amount of leftover food if there has been overproduction, and also will help to prevent shortages of servings on the line. A predictable yield is especially important when food is transported from a production kitchen to other serving sites.

Customer satisfaction

Well-developed recipes that appeal to students are an important factor in maintaining and increasing student participation levels. Schools may take a lesson from national restaurant chains that have developed popular menu items consistent in every detail of ingredient, quantity, preparation, and presentation. Standardized recipes provide this consistency and can result in increased customer satisfaction.

Consistent nutrient content

Standardized recipes will ensure that nutritional values per serving are valid and consistent.

Food cost control

Standardized recipes provide consistent and accurate information for food cost control because the same ingredients and quantities of ingredients per serving are used each time the recipe is produced.

Efficient purchasing procedures

Purchasing is more efficient because the quantity of food needed for production is easily calculated from the information on each standardized recipe.

Inventory control

The use of standardized recipes provides predictable information on the quantity of food inventory that will

The World's Best Airline Awards 2013

Ranking 1 to 20
The World Airline Awards are a primary benchmarking tool for Passenger Satisfaction levels of airlines throughout the world, delivering a unique survey format based on analysis of business and leisure travellers, across all cabin travel types (First Class, Business Class, Premium Economy Class and Economy class passengers).

Air travellers completed an online survey questionnaire about their experience with airlines on the ground and onboard, during a 10-month period. The survey measures passenger satisfaction across more than 40 key performance indicators of airline front-line product and service - including check-in, boarding, onboard seat comfort, cabin cleanliness, food, beverages, inflight entertainment and staff service. The Survey covered over 200 airlines, from the largest international airlines to smaller domestic carriers.


Qatar Airways

Singapore Airlines

ANA All Nippon Airways

Asiana Airlines

Cathay Pacific Airways

Etihad Airways

Garuda Indonesia

Turkish Airlines

Qantas Airways



Virgin Australia

Malaysia Airlines

Thai Airways

Swiss Int'l Air Lines

Korean Air

Air New Zealand

Hainan Airlines

Air Canada

Marketing Strategy

Approach and Concept

Marketing is far more than just selling, although higher sales are obviously the ultimate aim. Rather, marketing is a whole collection of activities including advertising, selling and sales promotion, marketing research, introduction of new products, pricing, packaging, distribution and after sales service.

Approaches to Marketing
One approach to marketing is to regard it as the process of finding customers for goods which the firm has already decided to supply. In this case there is much emphasis on face to face customer contact, price cutting, heavy advertising and sales promotions. It might be assumed that customers will always want to purchase well-constructed items that are made available to them at low cost: that all a firm needs to do is offer for sale high quality, sound value product with many attractive features, provide effective after-sales service, and then the goods will ‘sell themselves’.

The Marketing Concept
Alternatively, the firm might seek to evaluate market opportunities before production, assess potential demand for the good, determine the product characteristics desired by consumers, predict the prices consumers are willing to play, and then supply goods corresponding to the needs and wants of target markets more effectively than competitors, business adopting the latter approach are said to apply the marketing concept.
Adherence to the marketing concept means the firm conceives and develops product that satisfy consumer wants. Note however that:
  • consumers demand can be and frequently is created and manipulated through advertising campaigns
  • unquestioning adoption of the concept could lead to the productions of items that are highly attractive to consumers but which nevertheless are expensive to supply and thus generate negligible profit.
Practical application of the marketing concept implies the full integration of marketing with other business activities (design, production, costing, transport, and distribution, corporate strategy and planning) so that the marketing department assumes extraordinary importance within the firm. Numerous conflicts with other functions arise from situation.

The Marketing Mix

In 1965 Professor N. H. Borden coined the phrase ‘marketing mix’ to describe the combination of marketing element used in given set of circumstances. Appropriate mixes vary depending on the firm and industry, and over time. Professor E. J. McCarty subsequently summarized the

Mengenal Kultur Kulineri Konsumen

Produk makanan dan minuman yang ditawarkan kepada konsumen menentukan cepat atau lambatnya pengembalian investasi. Pengelola bisnis restoran harus memiliki kepekaan terhadap keinginan konsumen. Perencanaan menu yang kurang tepat akan berakibat berkurangnya konsumen yang datang, yang berarti akan berpengaruh terhadap hasil penjualan yang diperlukan untuk menutup biaya ataupun mengembalikan investasi. Untuk itu seorang pengelola perlu memiliki wawasan yang memadai mengenai produk makanan dan atau minuman yang dijual, termasuk kultur masyarakat konsumen.

Awali dari Menu

Dalam perkembangan bisnis restaurant, produk makanan dan minuman yang diwujudkan dalam menu memegang peran strategis dalam kegiatan operational. Tidak berlebihan kalau ada yang berpendapat everythings in food service operation start from the menu, segala sesuatu dalam kegiatan operational restaurant berawal dari menu.

Pengadaan peralatan masak serta pangaturan tata letak dapur ditentukan berdasarkan menu yang dijual. Demikian pula keperluan karyawan sebagai juru masak, pengadaan bahan, sitem pelayanan termasuk return on investment ( ROI ), diperhitungan berdasarkan menu yang di jual.

our role is not over until you realize the desired business results